The Best Poetic Translation

Vakhushti Kotetishvili Literary Competition
‘The Best Poetic Translation’
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Faculty of Humanities
 Institute of Translation and Literary Relations
Institute of Oriental Studies

 Undergraduate students
 To Participate
In the Vakhushti Kotetishvili Literary Competition
‘The Best Poetic Translation’

The Competition Board will review the Georgian translations of the following pieces of poetry from  the Persian, Arabic, Turkish, English, German, Russian languages:

Bijan Jalal - Bijan Jalali
Antonio Machado- Anoche cuando dormía
Gottfried Benn- Kommt
Nazım Hikmet Ran- Kerem gibi
Jacques Prévert- Pour faire le portrait d'un oiseau
Henry Longfellow- The Rainy Day

The contestant must send the translation to the following e-mail address:
Contest materials include:
1. The statement of the participant, with contact details (name, surname, degree level, email, cell phone number);
2. The translation by the contestant with the original attached.

Translation form:

Font - for translation - Unicode (Sylfaen);
Font-size 12;
Space -1.15;

Submissions will start on March 31 and will continue until October 10, 5pm.

The award ceremony will be held on November 9-10 within the framework of events dedicated to the 85th birthday of Vakhushti Kotetishvili. The winner will receive a cash prize of 250 GEL.